пятница, 26 декабря 2008 г.
Rest and leisure
People need rest. Unfortunately, many of them underestimate its value for our health. There are many people, who sleep 4 hours a day and think that they are quite enough to restore one’s power and productive efficiency. These people are wrong. There are even many theories, which argue that it is even healthy to sleep less than usual. I think that these theories are invented by or with the help of employers, who want to make the most of their employees. People, who believe in these theories don’t understand their real intention. Lack of rest leads to chronic fatigue syndrome. This is a very serious physical and mental disorder, which is very often underestimated by many people. This state resembles a vicious circle. This is not getting enough sleep only, it is much more serious. Not getting enough sleep is only a reason, which causes this syndrome. This syndrome is a vicious circle, because it is very difficult to escape from it. When a person experiences this state, he/she wants to sleep all the time, almost all the time, except the time to go to bed. As you see, this state is very insidious. Let’s consider it in details. You get up and feel exhausted, you dream about going to bed all day long, but when the time for sleep comes, you wake up at last and don’t want to sleep at all. You force yourself to sleep and fail, you suffer from sleeplessness. As a result you wake up exhausted again. the same scenario repeats constantly. If you don’t want to be sent to hospital, don’t drive yourself to this state. Reasonable measures must be in everything.