воскресенье, 10 января 2010 г.
Time out
Rest may be of many different kinds and sometimes it may not be a rest of a good nature, it is sometimes a rest people need from each other. Say, there are people and they have relationships and they are likely to be in love with each other, though something is wrong with them and they feel it. They do their best in order to fix that something but they fail to do that and they feel helpless. They are helpless and they know there is nothing left for them to do and they just need a rest from each other, they need to disappear and they need something like space free of each other. Even in case both of them need this rest there still should be someone who is the first to pronounce it. And that first as a rule is the first one to give up. I say so because I am sure that running away and hiding is not the best way to deal with a problem. It is not the way to deal with a problem at all. And in case people are having rest from each other, there is no point for them to calm back, nothing good will happens to them and they are already dead as a couple.